Monday, 26 March 2012


I love this shirt! It was only £4! Admittedly, it smelt a bit, but it was nothing a good wash didn't sort out...

Shirt - Jumble Sale 
Cut off Levis - Charity Shop
Cross Necklace - Topshop

Saturday, 17 March 2012


I love my new jacket! It was such a bargain at £15! I added the studs myself, but I'm not quite finished yet - I think I'll add some more. You can never have too many studs.

My face looks quite fat in that last photo - not sure why...

Jacket - Vintage
T Shirt - Topman
Jeans, Cross necklace - Topshop

Friday, 16 March 2012

A little note...

I know it's been a while - I've had a hellishly busy few weeks... I've wanted to do some blogging/outfit posts, but I just haven't had the time!

An outfit post should be appearing this weekend - I promise.