Thursday, 12 July 2012

Hair (again)

You may have noticed that I've toned my hair silver/lilac/pink! It was accidental - I was actually just going for lilac/pink, but whatever!

For those other hair geeks out there, I used  - Directions 'Violet', Directions 'Carnation Pink' and Directions 'Pastel pink'.

I mixed the Violet with conditioner to dilute it and put it all over as a toner. I then mixed the Carnation and Pastel Pinks with Fudge 'Whiter Shade of Pale' to dilute then, and put the mix on the ends. I left it like this for 10 minutes, before massaging it all together on my head and leaving it for a further 10 minutes. 

It lasts a few washes - I've already had to re-dye it, but I like the fact that it fades quickly! 


Oh my goodness, I can't believe it's been so long since I posted. Ooooooops. Well, these clothes were all dirt cheap yeeeyyyy. Mostly from second hand shops - nothing cost more than £15.

Jacket - Second Hand Shop
T Shirt - Charity Shop
Customised Jeans - Primark
Belt - Vintage
Creepers - Underground 

Saturday, 2 June 2012

Hairy Things

Ok, so I was bored of my hair again and decided to have some fun! I did a pastel pink tint, but instead of a 'dip dye', I wanted more of an 'ombre' effect - like blonde fading into pink. I took some photos, and thought I'd show you the process, for anybody interested!

This is my hair before (terrible roots wahhhh):

I then mixed some Directions Pastel Pink (i think...) with conditioner, and added a dab of Carnation Pink (a really bright pink) to make it brighter: 

I then used a tint brush to 'feather' it onto the hair, to avoid a harsh line of colour. The lower I got, the more 'Carnation Pink' I added to the mix, so the more intense the pink colour became.
Once it was on the hair, I let it process for about 20 minutes, rinsed, and voila:

Just a quick warning: some colours stick more than others, blue being the main culprit... I'm pretty confident that this will wash out in about 5 or 6 washes, but if you do a blue tint, that shit'll stick around...! 

Wednesday, 30 May 2012


Sorry pictures are crappy quality! Also, I look horrible in the last one...awks. 

My new T-shirt was from a charity shop round the corner - it was only £3.25! 

T-Shirt, Customised Levis - Charity Shops
Belt - Vintage

Monday, 7 May 2012


I'm sorry to say that an outfit post will be delayed once more - the weather's horrible, I'm ill and my revision is piiiiillingggg up. So sorry - bear with all the sporadic (was it ever anything else?) posting over the next few weeks.

Because of limited time for outfit  posts, I may post some more about beauty and skincare - another (as I'm sure you can tell by now) huge passion of mine, so I hope somebody finds these posts helpful!

Also seriously tempted by so much on ebay atm - I'm considering banning myself from the site...

If you're missing me terribly (HA), then follow me on twitter!!/B_E_N_T_D

Saturday, 5 May 2012

Diddy Update

Appear to be on a Swedish style website. Fabulous! 

This weekend I'll be doing some hardcore outfit posting to distract me from my AS revision. 

Also, as soon as I finish school for this year I'll be jazzing up my hair - a bit of tie dye maybe...? 

I think the multi-tonal thing is a 'fresher' twist on the ever popular dip-dye. 

Google Images

Saturday, 28 April 2012

Ablutions 2

Ok, today imma talk beauty. If you read my skincare post a while back, you'll remember that I really battle with my skin - I suffer from mild acne, super enlarged pores, dryness and sensitivity. For the record, I don't use Clinique skincare any more - I was finding it too harsh.

Here's a breakdown of my regime for anybody who's interested:


Cleanse with Dermalogica Special Cleansing Gel
Clarins Toning Lotion for Oily Skin
Zineryt Topical Acne Treatment (prescription only)
Lush Vanishing Cream
Clinique Super City Block SPF 40


Cleanse with Lush Herbalism
Apply moisturiser where needed - I'll use a fair few, depending on how I feel.
Apply Retin A gel (prescription only)

I'm aware that this is a hefty routine - I'm constantly trying new things to try and get on top of my skin - but this routine has done wonders for the overall appearence of my skin, however I do still suffer from spots. I've also started to notice a huge correlation between my diet and my skin (that I'd never really paid attention to before) - especially with alcohol and dairy, so I'm really trying to avoid these!

I also try to use facemasks/concentrated treatments regularly - though I often forget... I may do a post on this at another time.

I hope this was helpful to somebody!

Sunday, 22 April 2012


Okayyyyy, crazy pictures; mad hair in one, and mad face in another.
This T shirt was only £2!

Also, my hair's suffering so much from the bleach/backcombing/bowdrying - it's all starting to break off/fall out again :'(

But I love the colour so much, so I'm just going to try and be careful with it...

Sunday, 1 April 2012


 Before I go further, let me just apologize for the way I look below. Terrible. Terrible skin too, sorry about that- I couldn't be bothered with the retouch tool. 

I decided to bleach my hair blonde again - I love having it and missed it, but the health of my hair prohibited me from doing it again. BUT, it's back. So, how did I do it? Well. 

I already had lightened ends, so I started by bleaching all my hair up to that point (so no bleach on the ends). I used a blue powder bleach with 20vol developer for all this by the way. After 1 bleach, my hair was orange. I'd expected this, but it was still quite a shock. I quite liked it though! 

I then bleached my whole head (apart from the shaved bits - I left those bits dark), for about 30 minutes. 

By this point, my hair was pretty light (the roots were basically white), but there were still a few bits of orange/yellow. I got rid of these by doing a further 2 'selective' bleaches on just those bits, for no longer than 30 minutes each time. If i had been using a stronger developer I wouldn't have needed to do this (or if I had, my hair would have melted by now), but I prefer using weaker stuff so I have more control over the end result.

Now it was pretty light, so ready for the toner. I used L'oreal Luocolor P01, with 20vol developer, for 15 minutes, which whacked out alot of the yellow and left it a nice ashy platinum!

I missed this hair colour. :')

My hair's totally fried now btw - lots of protein treatments are in order!

Monday, 26 March 2012


I love this shirt! It was only £4! Admittedly, it smelt a bit, but it was nothing a good wash didn't sort out...

Shirt - Jumble Sale 
Cut off Levis - Charity Shop
Cross Necklace - Topshop

Saturday, 17 March 2012


I love my new jacket! It was such a bargain at £15! I added the studs myself, but I'm not quite finished yet - I think I'll add some more. You can never have too many studs.

My face looks quite fat in that last photo - not sure why...

Jacket - Vintage
T Shirt - Topman
Jeans, Cross necklace - Topshop

Friday, 16 March 2012

A little note...

I know it's been a while - I've had a hellishly busy few weeks... I've wanted to do some blogging/outfit posts, but I just haven't had the time!

An outfit post should be appearing this weekend - I promise.

Tuesday, 28 February 2012


T shirt - Stolen from Dad

It's a sex pistols top - not an actual 'God Save the Queen', pro monarchy kind of thing. Just sayin'. 

Sunday, 12 February 2012


My hair's so shit here. It's pointless to try and have a nice hairstyle in Manchester - it just gets rained on. 

Jacket - Stolen from friend
Jumper - Second Hand Store
Jeans - Topshop

Sunday, 5 February 2012


Ok, so it's reeeeaaalllly cold, which is why these photos are so terrible. By the time I'd realised It was too cold to try again... 

Jumper - Vintage
Customised Jeans - Cheap Monday

Saturday, 4 February 2012


Ok, I know you wouldn't usually put Cyndi Lauper next to the cast from the Fresh Prince, but they both look damn good! Totally the way I'm dressing atm. 

Also, my hairdresser said that in 2 months It's safe for me to bleach my hair platinum again, YES. 

Sunday, 29 January 2012


It's still so sodding cold in Manchester. I keep seeing the most amazing clothes in charity shops that don't fit me. :(

T Shirt - Topman
Stone Wash Jeans - Topshop
Leopard Jacket - Thrift Store

Sunday, 22 January 2012


I know it's been a while- so sorry. I had exams... 

Jumper - American Apparel
Jeggings - Uniqlo
Belt - Vintage
Vintage Levi Jacket

Thursday, 5 January 2012


All my outfits seem to revolve around black skinny jeans at the moment. 

Shirt, Cardigan - Charity Shop
Belt - Vintage
Jeans - Topshop